Title : Morphometric scale of readiness of the limb stump for prosthetics
Background: There are currently no quantitative criteria for the completion of the upper and/or lower limb stump after amputation or disarticulation for prosthetics, even though this is a key moment at the start of a patient's stage of medical rehabilitation and social adaptation.
Objective: To develop evaluation scales to assess the morphometric stump readiness for prosthetics.
Materials and Methods: The current standards and Interstate Standard concerning the issues of prosthetics after limb amputation in the Russian Federation and in the world, as well as medical documentation containing information recorded during limb amputation or disarticulation were analyzed.
Results: The developed scales for stump condition assessment will allow to determine the final criteria of stump readiness for prosthetics, thus maintaining the patient's social activity without forced interruptions.
Conclusion: In this study we significantly expanded the assessment scale of the limb stump morphometric readiness and detailing for prosthetics in comparison with the existing Interstate Standard; quantitative criteria were introduced, allowing the traumatologist to have a clear algorithm of actions when treating patients immediately after limb amputation (disarticulation). Scale suitable for implementation in medical electronic document management have been developed.