Title : Management of 30 years old post traumatic pseudoarthrosis of left tibia with varus deformity in 36 yr old female: A case report
Pseudoarthrosis of the tibia following trauma poses significant challenges to orthopedic surgeons due to its associated complications like non-union, infection, and deformity. It is challenging complication of long bone fractures, particularly in weight-bearing bones like the tibia. Surgical options such as intramedullary nailing, vascularized fibula graft, and external fixator, have shown equivocal success rate in achieving primary union although they are often associated with acceptable results. A 36 yrs female patient presented with traumatic pseudoarthrosis of tibia left side. Radiograph revealed a persistent deformity, sclerosis of bone ends and atrophic callus formation. Corrective wedge osteotomy of Left tibia was done with fibulectomy of ipsilateral side followed by plating of tibia and fibula. Autologous cortical bone graft was harvested from the contralateral fibula. At 3 months, radiographs demonstrated bridging callus across the fracture site and slab was removed. After 6-month patient had restored mobility with minimal pain and had no recurrence of pseudoarthrosis or deformities. In this case successful healing was seen without any complication.