Innovations in surgical techniques have significantly transformed patient outcomes in musculoskeletal treatments. The field has witnessed remarkable progress, from minimally invasive procedures to robotic-assisted surgeries, enhancing precision and reducing recovery time. Advances in orthopedic surgery now incorporate 3D printing technology for custom implants, bioengineered grafts for tissue regeneration, and augmented reality for real-time surgical guidance. Additionally, improvements in arthroscopy have refined joint repair, while computer-assisted navigation enhances spinal and knee surgeries. These breakthroughs not only improve procedural success rates but also contribute to better pain management and functional recovery. As research continues to refine techniques, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning is expected to further personalize treatment plans, ensuring optimal patient care. With ongoing developments, orthopedic surgery continues to evolve, offering more efficient, less invasive, and highly effective solutions for complex musculoskeletal conditions.
Title : The effect of OTC N-acetyl-cysteine on cobaltemia and cobalturia from cobalt-chromium orthopedic implants
Stephen S Tower, University of Alaska Anchorage, United States
Title : A data driven approach to prehabilitation and rehabilitation for hip and knee replacement patients
Diana Hodgins, Dynamic Metrics Ltd, United Kingdom
Title : AI-Driven infrared imaging and telerobotics in orthopedics: Enhancing diagnostics, surgical precision, and postoperative care
Marcos Brioschi, American Academy of Thermology, United States
Title : Revolutionizing orthopedics: The future of biomechanics through artificial intelligence
Moataz Eltoukhy, University of Miami, United States
Title : The etiological diagnosis of torticollis
Ali Al Kaissi, Ilizarov Institute, Austria
Title : Selective denervation for persistent knee pain after total knee arthroplasty: Long-term outcomes
Shaomin Shi, Medical College of Wisconsin, United States