An internist or paediatrician who has acquired further training in the diagnosis (detection) and treatment of disorders affecting the muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons is known as a rheumatologist. These diseases can cause joint abnormalities as well as pain, edoema, and stiffness. Rheumatism is a term that has been used to describe these issues in the past. As a result, a "rheumatologist" is a doctor who specialises in the treatment of rheumatism. A group of disorders known as "systemic autoimmune diseases" is also treated by rheumatologists. "Collagen vascular illnesses" and "connective tissue diseases" are two other terms you may hear or read that indicate the same thing as systemic autoimmune disorders. This is a range of disorders in which the body's immune system attacks itself. This causes inflammation in parts of the body where it isn't needed, resulting in issues including pain, edoema, and organ damage. These disorders can damage the eyes, skin, nerves, kidneys, lungs, heart, and other internal organs, among other things. Inflammation of the joints, also known as arthritis, can be caused by any of the systemic autoimmune illnesses. As a result, rheumatologists are regarded as experts in the treatment of this category of diseases.
Title : Revolutionizing orthopedics: The future of biomechanics through artificial intelligence
Moataz Eltoukhy, University of Miami, United States
Title : The effect of OTC N-acetyl-cysteine on cobaltemia and cobalturia from cobalt-chromium orthopedic implants
Stephen S Tower, University of Alaska Anchorage, United States
Title : A data driven approach to prehabilitation and rehabilitation for hip and knee replacement patients
Diana Hodgins, Dynamic Metrics Ltd, United Kingdom
Title : Long-term results from the use of a pre-fabricated articulating antibiotic-loaded cement spacer (Spacer G) in two-stage revisions for infected total hip replacements
Muhammad Yusuf, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, United Kingdom
Title : Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) as a therapeutic approach for joint osteoarthritis: A focus on regenerative potential and quality control in clinical trials
Hany Abu Farsakh, Al Istishari Hospital, Jordan
Title : Efficacy of bone healing stimulator (Exogen) on fracture non-union: A single centre experience
Muhammad Yusuf, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, United Kingdom